Agribusiness Management

As we provide Agricultural Productivity Enhancement and Commercialization services; we ensure to provide support in development of value chain mapping action plans of the selected commodities. Our value chain mapping usually includes analysis of the value chains from the point of inception to a consumer and identifying opportunities and constraints for value addition. Our analysis always involves consultation with chain actors, supporters and stakeholders along with support of the legal, regulatory and policy environment. Our approach to such assignments in a mapping exercise is structured such that it ends in a workshop with chain actors, supporters and stakeholders that will develop action plans to address constraints and enhance the available opportunities in the value chain.

We also support value chain actors in in implementing their action plans using innovative approaches particularly through commercialization of elements which includes; providing support to crops with market demand, producing to market determined specification, rural commerce, marketing, and agribusiness development for the selected commodities. We support in the production and standardization of training materials. Our agribusiness service to clients involves re-orientation of research and extension in order to complement traditional production oriented approaches with commercially oriented activities responding to market requirements, producer expressed needs, and responding to other value chain actors� business concerns.

We are a trusted partner with management of matching grants, an element in project management that has proven to be highly problematic.

Human Resource Planning and Management Services

Leighton Meridian Human Resource Consulting services provide expert assistance with personnel practices, systems, controls and evaluations. Our key services in this sector include;

� Advice in computerisation of employee records � Career development and growth � Development of job descriptions and specifications � Development of staff appraisal and job evaluation systems � Development of training needs through staff training needs assessment � Executive staff recruitment � Job Classification and Grading � Manpower planning and � Manpower Profiling � Personnel/payroll systems. � Provision of vote authentic ICT systems to curb rigging � Reviews of personnel practices and procedures. � Reward/Remuneration Structuring � Staff restructuring � Training of trainers


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a sector we have embraced at the forefront of our firm and also for our clients. ICT offers important techniques for improvement of office productivity and automation. We recognize ICT as a specialist area in which we offer services such as;

� Feasibility and application studies � Reviews of effectiveness of existing installations � Specification of software and hardware requirements � Implementation of computer systems � Provision of hardware and technical back up service and provision of software. � Development of data processing and office automation strategies � Computerisation of accounts and accounting systems (Using friendly accounting software like, Pastel, Quick Books Accounting Plus, Hogia, Scala, Tally, Sage, Tompro, Finpro, Sunsystems.

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